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- $ARCHIVEPATH o:\sound\archive\
- ;===========================================================================
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- ;===========================================================================
- ; Various death sounds
- ;PlayerWimpyDeath plrwdth ; no longer used
- PlayerFighterNormalDeath fgtddth
- PlayerFighterCrazyDeath fgtcdth
- PlayerFighterExtreme1Death fgtxdth1
- PlayerFighterExtreme2Death fgtxdth2
- PlayerFighterExtreme3Death fgtxdth3
- PlayerClericNormalDeath plrdth
- PlayerClericCrazyDeath plrcdth
- PlayerClericExtreme1Death clxdth1
- PlayerClericExtreme2Death clxdth2
- PlayerClericExtreme3Death clxdth3
- PlayerMageNormalDeath mgdth
- PlayerMageCrazyDeath mgcdth
- PlayerMageExtreme1Death mgxdth1
- PlayerMageExtreme2Death mgxdth2
- PlayerMageExtreme3Death mgxdth3
- PlayerFighterPain fgtpain
- PlayerClericPain plrpain3
- PlayerMagePain mgpain
- PlayerFighterGrunt fgtgrunt
- PlayerClericGrunt grunt1
- PlayerMageGrunt mggrunt
- PlayerLand feet4
- PlayerPoisonCough pois2
- PlayerFighterFallingScream fgtfall
- PlayerClericFallingScream fall1
- PlayerMageFallingScream mgfall
- PlayerFallingSplat fallhit
- PlayerFighterBurnDeath plrburn
- PlayerClericBurnDeath plrburn
- PlayerMageBurnDeath plrburn
- PlayerFighterFailedUse fgtgrunt
- PlayerClericFailedUse grunt1
- PlayerMageFailedUse mggrunt
- ;
- ; Fighter
- ;
- FighterPunchMiss punchmis
- FighterPunchHitWall punch8
- FighterPunchHitThing mumpun5
- FighterAxeHitThing axe5
- FighterHammerMiss hammis2
- FighterHammerHitWall hamwal1
- FighterHammerHitThing hmhit1a
- FighterHammerContinuous hamfly1
- FighterHammerExplode impact3
- FighterSwordFire sword2
- FighterSwordExplode impact3
- FighterGrunt gntmis1
- ; Cleric
- ClericCStaffFire spell1
- ClericCStaffExplode glbhit4
- ClericCStaffHitThing vamp5
- ClericFlameFire strike3
- ClericFlameExplode strike1
- ClericFlameCircle firedhit
- HolySymbolFire holy3
- SpiritActive spirt7
- SpiritAttack spirt5
- SpiritDie spirts1
- ;
- ; Mage
- ;
- MageWandFire wand4
- MageLightningFire lite2
- MageLightningContinuous gntpow
- MageLightningReady wepele2
- MageLightningZap gntact1
- MageShardsFire cone3
- MageShardsExplode shards1b
- MageStaffFire mage4
- MageStaffExplode mageball
- ; Pig
- PigActive1 pigrunt1
- PigActive2 squeal1
- PigPain pigpain2
- PigAttack bite4
- PigDeath pigdth2
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- ; Bishop
- ;BishopSight syab2d
- ;BishopActive stb1d
- ;BishopPain bshpn1
- ;BishopAttack pop
- ;BishopDeath bishdth1
- ;BishopMissileExplode bshhit2
- ;BishopBlur blur6
- ; Centaur
- CentaurSight taur1
- CentaurActive taur2
- CentaurPain taur4
- CentaurAttack centhit2
- CentaurDeath cntdth1
- CentaurLeaderAttack cntshld4
- CentaurMissileExplode impact3
- ; Serpent
- ;SerpentSight wtrcrt7
- ;SerpentActive srfc3
- ;SerpentPain serppn1
- ;SerpentAttack wtrswip
- ;SerpentMeleeHit wtrhit
- ;SerpentDeath srpdth1
- ;SerpentBirth srfc1
- ;SerpentFXContinuous glbhiss1
- ;SerpentFXHit glbhit4
- ; Demon
- DemonSight sbtsit5
- DemonActive sbtsit5
- DemonPain minact1
- DemonAttack dematk2
- DemonDeath sbtdth3
- DemonMissileFire impfire2
- DemonMissileExplode impact3
- ; Wraith
- ;WraithSight raith5a
- ;WraithActive raith3
- ;WraithPain raith4a
- ;WraithAttack raith1b
- ;WraithDeath rathdth2
- ;WraithMissileFire impfire2
- ;WraithMissileExplode impact3
- ; Maulator
- MaulatorSight minsit1
- MaulatorActive minact2
- MaulatorPain minpain4
- MaulatorHamSwing hamblo8a
- MaulatorHamHit hamfir1
- MaulatorMissileHit impact3
- MaulatorDeath mindth4
- ; Ettin
- EttinSight cent2
- EttinActive cent2
- EttinPain cent1
- EttinAttack ethit1
- EttinDeath cntdth1
- ; Fire Demon
- FireDemonSpawn spawn3
- FireDemonActive fired5
- FireDemonPain fired2
- FireDemonAttack spit6
- FireDemonMissileHit firedhit
- FireDemonDeath fired3
- ; Ice Guy
- IceGuySight frosty1
- IceGuyActive frosty1
- IceGuyAttack frosty2
- IceGuyMissileExplode shards1b
- ; Sorcerer Boss
- ;SorcererSight sorboss1
- ;SorcererActive sorboss2
- ;SorcererPain sorboss3
- ;SorcererSpellCast woosh3
- ;SorcererBallWoosh balls1
- ;SorcererDeathScream sordie2
- ;SorcererBishopSpawn bishapp
- ;SorcererBallPop cork
- ;SorcererBallBounce bounce2
- ;SorcererBallExplode impact3
- ; Dragon
- ;DragonSight dragsit1
- ;DragonActive dragsit1
- ;DragonWingflap wing1
- ;DragonAttack dragatk1
- ;DragonPain dragpn2
- ;DragonDeath dragdie2
- ;DragonFireballExplode mageball
- ; Korax
- ;KoraxSight korsit
- ;KoraxActive koract
- ;KoraxPain korpn1
- ;KoraxAttack koratk
- ;KoraxCommand korcom
- ;KoraxDeath kordth1
- ;KoraxStep step
- ; Korax Voice sounds
- KoraxVoiceGreetings grtngs1
- KoraxVoiceReady ready1
- ;KoraxVoiceBlood blood1
- ;KoraxVoiceGame game1
- ;KoraxVoiceBoard board1
- ;KoraxVoiceWorship wrship1
- ;KoraxVoiceMaybe maybe1
- ;KoraxVoiceStrong strong1
- ;KoraxVoiceFace face1
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ;
- ; Platform Sounds
- ;
- PlatformStart dorstp3
- PlatformStartMetal mtlstrt1
- PlatformStop dorstp1b
- StoneMove stnmv4
- MetalMove mtlmv3
- ;
- ; Door Sounds
- ;
- DoorOpen drltch3a
- DoorLocked locked
- DoorOpenMetal stmdr1
- DoorCloseMetal drstp2
- DoorCloseLight dorstp4
- DoorCloseHeavy drstp7
- DoorCreak drcrk5a
- LavaMove lava2
- WaterMove brook1
- IceStartMove icemv2
- EarthStartMove quake2
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- PickupWeapon sample11
- PickupArtifact art1
- PickupKey keys2a
- PickupItem picup5
- PickupPiece piece1 ; Pickup part of the final weapon
- WeaponBuild sample11 ; Built the final weapon
- UseArtifact artact1
- Respawn respawn
- PuzzleFailFighter fgthmm
- PuzzleFailCleric clhmm
- PuzzleFailMage mghmm
- PuzzleSuccess puzslv
- Chat chat3
- BatScream bats
- ClockTick tictoc
- Switch1 chnswch8
- Switch2 swtch6
- SwitchOtherLevel puzslv1
- ValveTurn swtchv4
- RopePull swtchrp1
- BlastRadius blastr
- FlyBuzz fly3
- Earthquake quake2
- BellRing bellrng
- TreeBreak treebrk
- TreeExplode treeburn
- SuitofArmorBreak armorexp
- PoisonShroomPain stretch3
- PoisonShroomDeath puff1
- Ignite torch2
- Fireball impact3 ; generic fireball projectile
- GlassShatter glass5
- FlechetteBounce flech4
- FlechetteExplode firedhit
- ThunderCrash thndr1
- Teleport tport1
- PotteryExplode potbrk1
- Drip blddrp1
- Wind wind3
- ThrustSpikeRaise spike3
- ThrustSpikeLower spike2
- FreezeDeath icedth1
- FreezeShatter icebrk1a
- WaterSplash gloop1
- LavaSizzle acid5
- SludgeGloop muck5
- StartupTick tick
- EtherealTeleport ethport1
- MysticIncant puzslv ; attached to each player affected
- ; Alternate monster pain sound (in gas cloud, lightning zapped, wraithverged)
- PuppyBeat pup4
- ; Ambient sounds
- Ambient1 insects1
- Ambient2 crkets
- Ambient3 crkets1
- Ambient4 katydid
- Ambient5 frogs
- Ambient6 owl
- Ambient7 bird
- Ambient8 shlurp
- Ambient9 bubble
- Ambient10 drop2
- Ambient11 rocks
- Ambient12 chains
- Ambient13 gong
- Ambient14 steel1
- Ambient15 steel2
- ;===========================================================================
- ;
- ;
- ;===========================================================================
- $MAP 1 Winnowr
- $MAP 2 Jachr
- $MAP 3 Simonr
- $MAP 4 Wutzitr
- ;$MAP 5 Falconr
- ;$MAP 6 Levelr
- ;$MAP 7 Chartr
- ;$MAP 8 Swampr
- ;$MAP 9 Deepr
- ;$MAP 10 Fubasr
- ;$MAP 11 Grover
- ;$MAP 12 Fortr
- ;$MAP 21 Foojar
- ;$MAP 22 Sixater
- ;$MAP 23 Wobabyr
- ;$MAP 24 Cryptr
- ;$MAP 25 Fantar
- ;$MAP 26 Blechr
- ;$MAP 27 Voidr
- ;$MAP 28 Chap_1r
- ;$MAP 29 Chap_2r
- ;$MAP 30 Chap_3r
- ;$MAP 31 Chap_4r
- ;$MAP 32 Chippyr
- ;$MAP 33 Percr
- ;$MAP 34 Secretr
- ;$MAP 35 Bonesr
- ;$MAP 36 Octor
- ;$MAP 37 Rithmr
- ;$MAP 38 Stalkr
- ;$MAP 39 Borkr
- ;$MAP 40 Crucibr
- ;$MAP 13 cryptr
- ;$MAP 14 swampr
- $MAP 0 hexen
- $MAP 0 hub
- ;$MAP 0 hall
- $MAP 0 orb
- $MAP 0 chess